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Michelle Branch Tickets

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About Michelle Branch

Michelle Branch made the world swoon with her heart-strumming pop rock ballads, infused with attitude as well as vulnerability. Fans rush to her concerts, so make sure you pick up your cheap Michelle Branch tickets now before they sell out!

Rising to become the pop princess of the 2000s
Michelle Branch embarked on her musical path when she was just three years old, getting official vocal instruction starting at eight and picking up the guitar as a teenager. She worked the local circuit in Sedona, expanding her fan base even more when she opened for Hanson. Michelle Branch's debut album, The Spirit Room, launched her on the road to success. With singles like "Everywhere," "All You Wanted," and "Goodbye to You," Michelle Branch became an indie pop darling. Michelle Branch and Santana collaborated together on "The Game of Love," snagging her her first Grammy Award. With these successes, she acted in several TV shows and teamed up with her friend Jessica Harp to create the pop country duo The Wreckers. Since the release of Hotel Paper in 2003, Michelle Branch has collaborated with other stars and released the occasional new tune, but has yet to release a full-length studio album.

But now, with a new album in 2017, fans are eager to hear what Michelle Branch will bring to her concerts. Pick up your cheap Michelle Branch tickets today to rock out with this indie darling to both classic songs and new favorites!