This property is all-inclusive. Onsite food and beverages are included in the room price (some restrictions may apply).
Gratuities and taxes
Gratuities are included and additional gratuities at guests' discretion are accepted.
Food and beverages
- All buffet and à la carte meals, snacks, and beverages included
- 24-hour room service
- In-room minibar (all beverages included)
Activities and facilities/equipment
All non-motorized water sports, land activities, and use of recreational facilities and equipment are included.
Water activities
- Snorkeling
Land activities
- Fitness facilities
- Volleyball
- Aerobics
- Bartending
- Cooking
- Dancing
- Language
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Onsite entertainment and activities
- Onsite live performances
- Theme parties
Not included
- Motorized water sports
- Scuba-diving certification
- Scuba-diving excursions
- Scuba-diving lessons
- Spa/beauty facilities and services
- Activities and services offered by independent operators
- Offsite tours
- Transportation to offsite activities
- 24-hour room service
- Buffet-style meals included
- A la carte dining included
- Fitness facilities included
- Volleyball included
- Scuba diving excursions not included
- Scuba diving certification not included
- Motorized water sports not included
- All available beverages included
- Spa/beauty facilities and services not included
- Activities/services from independent operators not included
- Transportation to offsite activities not included
- Offsite tours not included
- Scuba diving lessons not included
- Yoga classes/lessons included
- Pilates classes/lessons included
- Aerobics classes/lessons included
- Dancing classes/lessons included
- Language classes/lessons included
- Onsite entertainment and activities included
- Bartending classes/lessons included
- Gratuities included
- Cooking classes/lessons included
- Additional gratuities accepted
- All meals included
- Minibar (all beverages included)
- All non-motorized water sports included
- Onsite live performances included
- All land sports and fitness activities and facilities are included
- Theme parties included
- Snorkeling included