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Hamilton Schenectady Tickets

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Get your cheap tickets to see Hamilton in Schenectady today!

Hamilton became an overnight sensation when it opened in 2015, and since then the world has become hypnotized by its dazzling retelling of history. Be part of the legacy yourself by getting your cheap Hamilton Schenectady tickets today!

Giving history a modern twist

Hamilton has become a watershed musical for Broadway, bringing history back to life with its fresh perspective on the Founding Fathers. Musical genius Lin-Manuel Miranda was immersed in a book about Alexander Hamilton when he had a flash of inspiration. The history of the Revolutionary War, though told a thousand times, often fell flat, a dry listing of events. But Miranda imagined a flashpoint in time where young revolutionaries used their fiery passions to change the course of history, all while struggling to maintain their own delicate relationships with each other. With diverse casting, hip hop songs, and modern choreography, Hamilton captivated the world. It dominated at the Tony Awards, snagged the year's Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and even went on to shine on London's West End.

With the Hamilton tour roaming the country, fans in Schenectady have a chance to snag cheap tickets to the performances at Proctors Theatre. Bear witness to history yourself by getting your cheap Hamilton Schenectady tickets here!