One-Way Car Rental

One Way Car Rental FAQs

Pick up your car, hit the road, and just keep going. With a one-way car rental, you’re free to choose your destination, and—the best bit—you don’t need to turn around and return it to the same place. So, if you want a rental car for a long-planned road trip or a quick-fix solution to get you from A to B, CheapTickets is your go-to.

Should I rent a car one way or round trip?

A one-way rental car gives you a convenient, flexible way to rent a vehicle—and it doesn’t pin you to one location. Save time by just dropping the car off in your destination instead of driving all the way back. One-way rental cars are ideal for a house move, kids driving themselves to college, or an epic road trip adventure.

Can I get deals on one-way car rentals?

Yes. We’ve got amazing deals and big discounts ready and waiting. Enter your pick-up point and your different drop-off destination, then add your travel dates and hit search for instant results. We’ve secured low prices from all the big car suppliers, so you can quickly compare deals and book knowing you’ve saved dollars.

What will I pay to rent a car one-way?

Your choice of car, where you’re traveling to and from, and your travel dates all determine the price for a one-way rental car. At CheapTickets, we deliver cheap one-way car rental prices, so you have great options, whatever your budget. Some partners charge an additional fee for one-way rentals, so our search makes it easy to compare offers from different rental car companies.

What car types are available for one-way trips?

Absolutely. For every trip, there’s a car to fit, ready to drive. Compact, economy, and medium-sized cars are easy to drive and offer impressive fuel efficiency. SUVs, large rides, and hardworking vans fit lots of people and their luggage. Luxury and convertible cars work for when the trip requires something a bit… extra.

Which rental companies offer cars one way?

At CheapTickets, we’ve partnered with all the big car rental suppliers that have one-way rental cars and multiple office locations across the US and worldwide. Names like Enterprise, Hertz, Avis, and more will appear in your search. Use our rental car company filter to find your favorite supplier.

Where should I go on a one-way car rental trip?

A popular trip is to pick up a one-way car rental in Los Angeles and drive south to San Diego, stopping at the boho SoCal beach towns on the way. Stay for sunset cocktails in Laguna Beach, grab a coffee on San Clemente’s boardwalk, and explore La Jolla’s beach coves. Take a one-way trip in a rental car from San Francisco down to Las Vegas via incredible Yosemite National Park. Drive past stunning mountains, canyons, lakes, and salt pans before pulling up at your Vegas hotel.

Can I change or amend my one-way car rental for free?

Yes. When you book, choose deals with free cancellation and avoid non-refundable ones if you want to be able to cancel your car anytime beforehand for no fee. You can reserve your one-way car rental now and pay for it at the pick-up desk.

Why should I use CheapTickets to book a one-way trip?

At CheapTickets, you get incredible value on our latest one-way car rental deals. Compare our offers from all the major car firms and, when you’ve found the right one, simply click to book. Spend less on your one-way car rental and have more in your pocket for the journey.